College Daze: The Most Brutally Honest Guide to College You Will Ever Read College Daze: The Most Brutally Honest Guide to College You Will Ever Read

College Daze: The Most Brutally Honest Guide to College You Will Ever Read

    • 6,49 €
    • 6,49 €

Publisher Description

Think about it: College students don't drop out because their classes are too difficult. They drop out because their new life away from home—a life free from parental authority and rife with addictive distractions—is suddenly too much for them to handle.

What college students need is a guide that will tell them exactly what problems to expect and the best ways to deal with them; a guide that will help keep them on track, prevent them from making common yet serious mistakes, and see them through right up to graduation day. This is that guide.

College Daze was written solely for the purpose of helping students avoid the most common perils and pitfalls of college life, a brutally pragmatic guide that will teach you everything that every other college student, myself included, had to learn the hard way, from avoiding venereal diseases to dealing with asshole landlords, evil sorority sisters, student loan counselors, and campus cops.

And if you’re a parent of teenagers who are headed to college, hope for the best while preparing for the worst by reading this book. Yes, College Daze is going to upset a lot of helicopter parents out there who think their teenagers are, and always will be, little angels, even when they enter college.

And they might actually be little angels, but at college they’re going to be exposed to a lot of young adults who aren’t, and they need to be ready for it.

So if you know anyone who could benefit from reading this book, both parents and teenagers, consider sending it to them as a gift, because College Daze will probably be the most important—and most referenced—book a college student will ever own.

Professional & Technical
22 December
Zack Wellington