Guilty Gear Strive Guide Guilty Gear Strive Guide

Guilty Gear Strive Guide

    • 8,49 €
    • 8,49 €

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As the mean, sickle swinging, time-stopping, certified cool dude of Guilty Gear, it's your job to stop those pesky gorillas from getting near you.
Luckily, you have a few tools just for the job.
With the name of the game being moreso "Keep Away" as opposed to "Guilty Gear Strive" when playing as Axl, it is in your hands to utilize your long range to keep opponents at a safe distance, while also maintaining the offensive by occasionally dipping into mid-range to pull off high damage combos. This balance is likely the most difficult part of learning how to play Axl, but with enough practice the pieces slowly fit into place.
Use your 5p and 6k to keep targets at the maximum distance away and for some good poke damage.
5p goes straight forward, while 6k shoots your sickle a bit upward as a neat counter to someone trying to airdash into your face (May, I-no, and Gio are the ones to watch out for here).
If you're looking for some real damage, you're going to have to get a bit closer. 5s and 5hs are both moves that have fairly quick startup, and have large hitboxes that work well in countering people who are mashing over and over after a knockdown, and can lead to some nifty combos too.
The Micro
During the course of the match, it is extremely important that you punish the opponent for moving in any cardinal direction, and breathing for that matter too.
If they jump from fullscreen, 6k. Closer to you and trying to overhead? 2s has you covered.
Your dust attack will likely not get used much while playing as axl, but if you manage to connect with 5k you can combo into a 2d. This can then lead to other extensions as well.
If the opponent dashes, 5p.
If the opponent crouches, 2p, or 2hs for an extension.
If the opponent so much as stands still for more than half a second, send your unblockable HCFhs there way and clothesline their ass back to the lobby selection screen.
The Macro
If you're playing Axl, your goal isn't to win matches, but to ensure that the enemy knows that they are not allowed to play the game under any circumstances, and that you have fun while doing it.

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4 Ιανουαρίου

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