How to Live in the Present Moment: The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment How to Live in the Present Moment: The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

How to Live in the Present Moment: The Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Publisher Description

If you are reading this now, you may have already come to the realization that striving for material gains and everything else the world calls “important” is not actually fulfilling. You probably have a yearning for something more significant. You might not know exactly what it is that you want, but I do know, because everyone on this planet is actually seeking the same thing…

Each and every one of us is seeking for inner peace and a sense of completion. We attempt to reach this by different means, but the goal is always the same. Some people strive for this sense of completion by chasing money or success. Some people use food, some people use drugs, and some people use so-called ‘spirituality’ in an attempt to reach this state where they can finally say “all is well now.” 

The problem with these means-to-an-end approaches is that they fail to take into account one simple truth, that time as we know it does not really exist. If you say, “I’m going to do this in order to reach peace of mind” then you are placing your peace of mind somewhere in the future and the future is always out of our grasp.

Peace is not achieved in the same way a material goal is achieved, by visualizing it and then taking steps to get there. Peace is not something you achieve but rather something you realize. Within you, there already exists a deep sense of peace. You don’t have to strive for it, you only have to recognize it.

Let me show you step by step how to do just that.

25 July
Beau Norton
Draft2Digital, LLC
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