Intelligent Design. The Final Proof of God Intelligent Design. The Final Proof of God

Intelligent Design. The Final Proof of God

By God's Advocate

Publisher Description

Whoever denies the reason, that proves the existence of God, denies his own sins.


A blind man has the liberty to deny the existence of the Sun,

but the blind man exists because of the Sun.


Whoever despises the law of God , will become a slave of the law of the jungle.


Whoever despises the moral of forgiveness will be saturated by the justice.


God loves the humankind, be humane !


In our postmodern era many believe that the quantum physics has all the answers, because of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.


After the invention of the quantum physics the problem of materialistic determinism was solved by the materialistic indeterminism. 


The “hardware” that can support a free consciousness cannot be material. 

The mechanism that can make possible the freedom it is “a mechanism without mechanism”


An artificial consciousness, created by men, it is also impossible to create. 


The “hardware “that can make possible the free consciousness is infinite in complexity, and only a free creative being of infinite intelligence can create it. 


As Jesus said “The light has come into the world, but people love the darkness rather than the light”, and in a genius way Jesus gave also the explanation: „ because their deeds were evil, for everyone who does what is hateful, hates The Light and does not come to The Light, lest his works should be convicted. But he who does The Truth comes to The Light, so that his works may be revealed”. 


And God is self-determined by definition. 

God is the effect without cause. 

And our profound nature is divine also, because our profound nature is the free consciousness , the self-determination. 

Because we are free we are self-determined.

The spirit is self-determined, the effect it is without cause, this is the profound nature of God, because God is freedom, God is The Creator, and His Profound Nature is the self- determination


God is the effect without cause, and we are divine in nature because we are free. We are not biochemical robots, we are not just biological machines, we are self- determined consciousness that could only came from God. 

This is logical. 


Einstein said in his book, the Theory of relativity for all, that “we cannot will to will “. 

Actually he was very close of the understanding of the Nature of God and of the souls, but he didn’t understood, because he stayed in the paradigm of materialism...


There is a parallel universe and it is self-determined, it is called, God and the souls that came out of God. 


The matter cannot support a hardware, even of infinite complexity, that can have a self- determined consciousness, and it is empirically proven that we are self-determined consciousness. For example, very similar group of people do not behave the same in various 

psychological experiments, in the same conditions. There is a majority that behave in a predictable manner, but not all. And this is the empirical demonstration that we are free. 


The Nature of The “hardware” that can support the freedom and consciousness it is so complex, that there is no human mind that can imagine it, even Einstein when he said we “cannot will to will” ...we simply will...and the origin of the will is in our divine Nature. We are Regnum Dei, not Regnum Animalis. 


We are not biological, biochemical robots. Our consciousness it is not an epiphenomenon of our biochemical machine that we call body, our 

consciousness it is not just a spectator of the movement of our biological machine, that we call body. 

Our consciousness is interconnected with the freedom and they are both divine in Nature. 

Some of us depend on the void logic of mathematics, I relay on the live logic of common sense

Science & Nature
14 April
Dan Anghel

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