Second Chances How I Turned Hate into Love and Found My Purpose Second Chances How I Turned Hate into Love and Found My Purpose

Second Chances How I Turned Hate into Love and Found My Purpose

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    • 8,49 €

Περιγραφή εκδότη

We are not meant to live a life of turmoil. All I ever wanted was to hear my dad tell me he loved me. To know that I was deserving of love. I spent my life hating everything that I was. I kept searching for anyone to love me, for anyone to help me feel necessary in this world. I was worthless. I was a failure. Everything in my life had fallen apart. I had no reason to live. No one would care if I died. I was in so much pain. I carried so much anger inside of me. I thought I knew so much, but it turned out I was wrong about so many things. This book is my journey through pain and rejection into love. It is acknowledging my imperfections and incorrect thinking. I am just one person who dared to look deep within myself for answers. I am sharing my story so others can find love. There is a love calling out to you, trying to get you to look inside yourself. I am here to tell you how important you are and that your life matters. We all have purpose. We all have a reason for being. If I can help just one person step into the fullness of love by sharing my battle through the depths of despair then it was worth reliving. It was worth diving back into all the pain to get the words onto paper. You are worth everything I went through to show you the way. 

Υγεία, μυαλό και σώμα
15 Ιουλίου
Laurie Herbers