The Gospel of Jesus Christ: God's Gift for Mankind The Gospel of Jesus Christ: God's Gift for Mankind

The Gospel of Jesus Christ: God's Gift for Mankind

Περιγραφή εκδότη

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is essentially God's simple plan for the salvation of all mankind. Although the plan may be simplistic in nature, it presents us with the greatest and most difficult decision we will make in our lifetime. The consequences of our decision will not only significantly affect our lives in the here and now, but more importantly, this single decision will affect our eternal existence forevermore. Whether or not we choose to believe to be eternal beings, our souls not only exist here on earth, but they will continue to exist forevermore. Our future existence, beyond our lives here on earth, will be in one of two places. Either we will spend eternity with our Creator in the kingdom of heaven forevermore, or we will exist separated from our Creator in a terrible dark place where there will be never ending weeping and gnashing of teeth. This dark and terrible place (commonly referred to as hell or the lake of fire) is the destination for Satan and the many fallen angels (demons) who rebelled against God. Although it was never the intent of our Creator to have to send mankind into this dark, man's sinful ways have separated them from God leaving themselves no place in heaven. Therefore, the lake of fire will be the eternal destination for all who remain spiritually dead and separated from God. "But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear" (Isaiah 59:2). You see, God is all-holy and there is no place for sinful man in His presence. Yet, because His love is so great for us, He has provided a plan that, if mankind is willing to turn from a sinful life in this world, they can find redemption. This requires mankind to fully surrender everything to serve the will of the Father in heaven. God has sent His Son, Jesus the Christ, as the one true savior for all of mankind. Therefore, what makes God's plan so very simple is that He has done all of the work for us and we simply need to forfeit our lives to serve Him. Yet, this is what makes it so very hard for mankind to surrender. Human nature drives us to want to hold onto our lives and try to do things our way. Therefore, most people will freely choose to reject God's plan and instead selfishly hold onto their lives and by doing so forfeit eternal life. Thus, our free will choice here on earth determines our eternal status. Jesus tells us we must, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction (eternal separation from God), and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14). The good news is that God is there to help us if we seek Him above and beyond this world, or ourselves for that matter. This book, The Gospel of Jesus Christ: God's Gift for Mankind, walks you as the reader through God's plan from creation to present day. I pray that God will use this book to help you understand His simple plan for your life if you open your heart to Him. Therefore, I pray this book, through the power of the Holy Spirit, will be a blessing that leads you to know you have a personal relationship with the Lord and everlasting life.

Θρησκεία και πνευματικότητα
12 Απριλίου
Dr. Steven J. Bassett

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