The Weeper The Weeper

The Weeper

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Publisher Description

In the highly anticipated sequel to Ian Pike Hammer's first book, "There Lived Giants, Book One of the Early Earth/Monger Series," I present "The Weeper, Book Two of the Early Earth/Monger Series."

The barbarian Monger finds himself at a fair, where he sees many strange and wonderful things.

Lifting the flap of an old tent, he finds a very small and very violet girl. She is caged and poorly clothed, starving and cold, with winter on the doorstep, her eyes the colors of the rainbow. Most agree she is naught but a puppet… until she speaks and moves on her own! A great rent in her shirt reveals supports for wings, but none are there, ripped from her back by some cruel unknown source and equally unknown reason. Who would do such a thing? Who could do such a thing? She speaks only one sentence, and it over and over again, "I will cry for you!" Thus the title of the book, "The Weeper, Book Two of the Early Earth/Monger Series"

The warrior is desperately trying to rid himself of his own worthless, human emotions, for they do not serve a fighter well, but some tiny part in his shrinking heart finds compassion for her. He will save her, for something about her innocence reminds him of his sister Binny, whom he ever seeks since her kidnapping some years previously.

But the violet girl is caged in iron with double locks on the outside that even his massive broadsword nor bulging muscles cannot bend.

"The Weeper"

Meet Deeza, the first- born child ever of two gods. Born with a gift no human nor god should possess. Her father, Diovotaz, is the evil king of the gods who rules with fear and violence has banished her from Helios, the home of the gods to earth. Why?

Readers Warning!! This book crosses into the horror genre and contains depictions of the horrors and terrors of hell. Not for the faint of heart nor the weak of stomach.

You have been warned.

Fiction & Literature
3 June
Lee Bell
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