Waiting On The Lord Waiting On The Lord

Waiting On The Lord

    • 5,49 €
    • 5,49 €

Publisher Description

Waiting on the Lord is not always easy. Your heavenly Father knows your needs. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all the things you need will be supplied. At the end of each chapter you will find questions for you answer to. You will find are scripture passages to help build your faith. Put your trust in the Lord daily. The Lord draws attention to the fowls of air, he says they do not gather into barns, yet your Father in heaven feeds them. You are of more value to the Lord than these birds. The Lord wants you to surrender yourself totally and completely, consecrate yourself to the Lord, have faith in him, and trust him. Do not become anxious, it makes you sick. It does not change your circumstances. Worrying brings diseases upon you so cast all your cares on the Lord because he loves and cares for you. Waiting on the Lord brings patience, will strengthen you faith and your walk with him. Searching and building a relationship with the Lord is of vital importance. You must be tested, tried, as the potter molds the clay, so the Lord molds you, and bring you into a right relationship with him. Running ahead of the Lord is not the answer to your problem. You do not know the way, you cannot see into the future, but the Lord can. Lean on him and allow him to work on your behalf. The enemy Satan seeks to destroy your faith, and to discourage you in your walk with the Lord. Do not listen to him, he is a liar. Keep your eyes and your heart fixed on Jesus. Mary the mother of Jesus waited for the baby to be born. Jesus intercedes to your heavenly Father on your behalf, he is your High Priest. Jesus waited for instructions from his heavenly Father to carry out his mission each day, while on earth. You must also wait on the Lord to supply all your needs. Saul Israel’s first king tried to kill David, but David did not try to kill Saul. The devil tried to get David to kill Saul, he refused. The Lord anointed David king over his people. David waited on the Lord, and in due season, the Lord gave David the kingdom. The Prodigal son could not wait to receive his inheritance, he wanted it right away. Look at what happened when he did things his own way. Doing things your own way will always get you into trouble. The Lord told Abram (later renamed Abraham by the Lord) to go the Canaan, but there was a grievous famine in the land. Even when the famine is great in your life the Lord will provide for you. Abram took it upon himself to go to Egypt and look what we have in the Middle East today. A son born of a slave girl could not be the child of promise. Satan is very good at passing off to you his counterfeit, and many who marry, instead of waiting on the Lord to provide that spouse for them, they marry someone the Lord did not intend for them to marry. This brings havoc into their life, and cause many tears to fall. Listen to the voice of the Lord, and follow where he leads. Wait on him, do not lean on your own understanding, acknowledge the Lord to be Lord of your life, surrender to him, allow him to direct and lead you. Take up your cross daily and follow him. The Lord is faithful, just, true,kind and he loves. When you pray, ask according to the will of the Lord. There is nothing good that he will hold from you. The Lord will give you far more than you can imagine. He hears you, he understands, he is your burden bearer, your Helper, your Savior, Redeemer, Intercessor, High Priest, and best Friend, the one who promises he will take care of you. Wait on him and be of good courage. Have faith in the Lord, he can be trusted to keep his promises. He will not stand by and see you in distress and not come to your side to encourage and help you.

Religion & Spirituality
10 December
Verna E. MacKay
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