Why You're Crazy Not to Live in Thailand Why You're Crazy Not to Live in Thailand

Why You're Crazy Not to Live in Thailand

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From the writers at StayingInThailand.com

Life filled with stress vs. Life filled with happiness

If you can live the rest of your life on either of these paths, would it be difficult to choose one? Because this is essentially what it all boils down to – you can either continue to live a life filled with stress in your home country or a life filled with happiness in Thailand.

Things are setup for a stressful existence back home where your girlfriend or wife and even your kids will judge you based on what you’re able to buy them compared to what their friends receive. You have no time to do anything fun, and since the price of everything exploded in the last 10 years you barely have the budget to do anything anyhow. There aren’t enough jobs out there so employers have all of the power and you never get paid what you deserve. It’s impossible to be healthy, the weather sucks, and you NEVER get looks from girls who are even remotely interested in you. You’re a sexless, overweight, ball of stress that it is ready to explode at any moment. What kind of a life is that? If it was easy enough to dramatically improve it there you already would have done so. But it’s not; and if you really want to change your life for the better you need to get completely out of dodge. Enter Thailand.

Thailand Has:

1) An incredibly low cost of living

2) A rich, unique, interesting, and never boring culture

3) Great Weather

4) Beautiful beaches, mountains, lakes, forests etc.

5) Every modern luxury you’re accustomed to having

6) Beautiful young women who want YOU

7) Women with a wonderful sense of humor and a pleasant demeanor

8) The best food in the world; easy to be healthy too

9) The most affordable healthcare

10) A vibrant expat community where you’ll have more friends than you do at home

11) Too many activities and things to do to count

12) An incredible nightlife

13) A never ending amount of islands, cities, and places to tour and visit

14) No property taxes, barely any income tax

15) A less judgmental society

If you don’t already live in Thailand, you might be thinking, “If it’s that great, why doesn’t everyone just do it?” 95% of people out there would never even think of the possibility of moving to another country; fear of the unknown and fear of change stops people dead in their tracks. Society makes it seem like an absurd notion to live abroad, and Thailand’s totally false reputation pushes it further down the list of expat destinations than it deserves to be. But this is all a good thing; the less competition the better. That same close minded 95% is also stuck in the rut of the typical stressful daily life. You need to break out of that trap and start thinking a little differently if you want to make a better life for yourself.

My only regret about the time I chose to come out to Thailand is that I didn’t do it sooner. This e-book is free and it's a quick and easy read. Let me show you exactly why life is so superior in Thailand.

Ταξίδια και περιπέτειες
14 Μαρτίου
M Schwartz

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