
Holding Prosecutors Accountable: What Is Successful Prosecutorial Performance and Why Should It Be Measured? Highlights from Ndaa's Prosecution Performance Measures Project (National District Attorneys Ass'n) Holding Prosecutors Accountable: What Is Successful Prosecutorial Performance and Why Should It Be Measured? Highlights from Ndaa's Prosecution Performance Measures Project (National District Attorneys Ass'n)
Prosecuting Gang Cases: What Local Prosecutors Need to Know. Prosecuting Gang Cases: What Local Prosecutors Need to Know.
President Bush Signs Bill Authorizing Federal Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Local Prosecutors. President Bush Signs Bill Authorizing Federal Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Local Prosecutors.
From Minnesota to Mexicali: Connecting the Dots with Trafficked Firearms. From Minnesota to Mexicali: Connecting the Dots with Trafficked Firearms.
New York V. Kent: Using Temporary Internet Files to Prove Possession of Child Pornography. New York V. Kent: Using Temporary Internet Files to Prove Possession of Child Pornography.
The Few and the Proud: Prosecutors Who Vigorously Pursue Animal Cruelty Cases. The Few and the Proud: Prosecutors Who Vigorously Pursue Animal Cruelty Cases.