Multimedia: Making It Work, Ninth Edition Multimedia: Making It Work, Ninth Edition

Multimedia: Making It Work, Ninth Edition

    • 1 750,00 Kč
    • 1 750,00 Kč

Publisher Description

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The Most Complete, Up-to-Date Multimedia Guide

Thoroughly updated to cover the latest technologies, including mobile multimedia, this full-color resource prepares you for a successful multimedia career by teaching you the fundamental concepts and required skills. Multimedia: Making It Work, Ninth Edition explains how to integrate text, images, sound, animation, and video into compelling projects. Multimedia project planning, costs, design, production, talent acquisition, testing, and delivery are also discussed. Chapter-ending quizzes reinforce key concepts and hands-on lab projects allow you to apply your new skills.

Learn how to:
Master the essential elements of multimedia, including text, images, sound, animation, and video

Incorporate bitmap, vector, and 3-D images

Record and edit digital audio and use MIDI

Create computer-generated animations

Shoot and edit digital video

Select the best hardware, software, and authoring tools for your project

Determine the scope and cost of a multimedia project n Design, produce, and test your project

Acquire the best content and talent for your budget

Design dynamic Web content

Create apps for mobile devices, including tablets, readers, and smartphones

Deliver multimedia over the Internet, in an app store, and on CD-ROM and DVD

Each chapter includes:

Learning objectives

Full-color illustrations and screenshots

Helpful notes, tips, and warnings

Chapter summaries and key term lists

End-of-chapter quizzes and lab projects

This book is intended for students enrolled in an instructor-led course and does not provide correct answers for the end-of-chapter quizzes or access to the instructor's resource materials. If you are an instructor, please contact your McGraw-Hill sales representative for details.

Computing & Internet
30 May
McGraw Hill LLC