The new world order The new world order

The new world order

The Apocalypse in which we are living

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    • 179,00 Kč

Publisher Description

Without a doubt, the past few years have witnessed the emergence on the scene of communication in the ecclesiastical sphere – and elsewhere – the figure of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, as a voice of both denunciation and appeal, not only with regard to the corruption and cultural and spiritual poverty present in today's ecclesial world, at every level, but also in world society and politics.
Both his life story as well as the process by which this revelation has taken place are quite unique.  Carlo Maria Viganò is a priest who was directed after his ordination, which took place in 1968 in Pavia, to undertake a diplomatic career. He served as Nuncio to Nigeria, and then as Delegate for the Pontifical Representations in the Secretariat of State (a very delicate task, since the confidential details of the personal dossiers of prelates and bishops passed before his eyes). He was then Secretary for the Governorate of the Vatican City State, and finally Apostolic Nuncio toto Washington, certainly one of the six most prestigious posts for any diplomat, whether in cassock or in civilian dress.
Certainly those who are sent as Nuncio to the heart of the Empire gain a perspective of extraordinary breadth and depth; it allows one to scrutinize the mechanisms of world power, the obvious motives – and also the hidden ones – which underly choices and decisions. It is from this wealth of experience and knowledge, which very few can boast of, that the recent public presence of Carlo Maria Viganò was born. An entire career and a priestly life spent in the necessary discretion linked to his professional obligations and role was suddenly overturned. In the summer of 2018 – not even four years ago – Archbishop Viganò makes the sensational gesture of revealing cover-up and complicity that allowed then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick to carry out those abuses that finally led to the condemnations he has suffered.

Politics & Current Affairs
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