Affirmations That Kiss the Chakras: Manifest Your Vibrations (Unabridged) Affirmations That Kiss the Chakras: Manifest Your Vibrations (Unabridged)

Affirmations That Kiss the Chakras: Manifest Your Vibrations (Unabridged‪)‬

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Limit suffering and illness. In Buddhism, the Second Noble Truth is the concept that everyone suffers and something causes suffering. Chakra balancing is a form of energy healing that focuses on channeling energy into the seven chakras that run from the bottom of our spine to the crown of our heads.

Don't be pushed around by thoughts that can ail you. Become the MD and therapist of your body and mind as you learn to minimize what troubles you through affirmations. The ability to produce thoughts in consciousness is our sixth sense. Therefore, we must be mindful of the opportunities within the dreams in our hearts.

The ABCs of affirmations in this book will:

Access self-reflection on areas that may affect you
Bless yourself with a positive attitude
Create a healthy balanced life
Doubt no more
Enhance your purpose and expectations
Focus on a reason to smile or create smiles in others
Get you past issues of disbelief or those affecting your body
Harmonize your body and mind
Initiate self-love with affirmations
Jazz up your beliefs and capabilities
Kiss and hug your new habits
Luminate your expectations, not those of others
Master and remove what may weigh you down
Nominate your empowerment of self-esteem
Organize your energy to what you can create
Promote grounding and balance
Quicken yourself into positive change
Radiate breathwork to remove stress
Seek physical and emotional harmony
Touch your connectedness to your many senses
Use energy for creativity
Validate affirmations through senses
Welcome your self-reflection
Xeriscape creativity around your abundance
Yield to your higher power
Zap each day's blessings

Affirmations That Kiss the Chakras: Manifest Your Vibrations features more than 100 inspirational notes for each chakra. When affirmations vibrate into our subconscious minds, habits are easily formed, creating a sense of balance for our health. Health is important to us. Remember that a person in good health makes many wishes, while a person in bad health wants one.

Follow simple rituals of affirmations to increase harmony in vibration. Affirmations That Kiss the Chakras requires action. Circumstances keep us from leaping out of bed with 100 percent energy. Ask the universe, “How amazing will this day be?”, then start with an affirmation of your choice. Carry the thought during the day. Your mind can be trained to think positively as you fall asleep.

Positive energy in our lives vibrates at a high frequency. By radiating this frequency first, you will magnetically attract the same positive energy in return, thus amplifying and intensifying these loving vibrations in abundance.

Mix and match the positive words you've used to create a perfect combination. Feeling fantastic about yourself starts with energy. Our energy centers frequently misalign because of the food we eat, environmental changes, and obligations. Our minds are potent forces where we can take what may be a bad day and turn it around; a day of joyous and healthy energy.

We create positive vibrations by practicing affirmations of self-love and gratitude. Through the daily repetition of these rituals, we clear old thought patterns and focus our time on the now, creating new pathways to form a peaceful, happy life in good health.

Reach for that higher frequency and optimized vibrations.

Religion und Spiritualität
Michelle Wiebe
Std. Min.
25. April
Joaquin Del Alma