Ancient Egypt
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Ancient Egypt: A Comprehensive Guide to Ancient Egypt including Myths, Art, Religion, and Culture
Do you want to learn about Ancient Egypt?
Ancient Egypt, ?iviliz?ti?n in n?rth???t?rn Afri?? th?t dates from the 4th mill?nnium BCE. It? m?n? ??hi?v?m?nt?, preserved in its art ?nd m?num?nt?, h?ld a fascination th?t continues to gr?w as ?r?h???l?gi??l finds expose its ???r?t?. This book f??u??? ?n Eg??t from it? prehistory thr?ugh it? unifi??ti?n und?r M?n?? (N?rm?r) in th? 3rd millennium BCE—sometimes u??d ?? a reference point for Eg??t’? ?rigin—?nd up t? the Islamic ??n?u??t in th? 7th ??ntur? CE. For subsequent hi?t?r? through th? ??nt?m??r?r? ??ri?d, see Eg??t.
Eg??t An?i?nt Egypt can be th?ught of ?? ?n ???i? in th? d???rt of n?rth???t?rn Afri??, d???nd?nt ?n th? annual inundation of th? Nile Riv?r to support it? agricultural ???ul?ti?n. Th? ??untr?’? chief w??lth came from th? f?rtil? floodplain of th? Nil? v?ll??, where th? river fl?w? b?tw??n b?nd? ?f limestone hill?, ?nd the Nil? d?lt?, in whi?h it f?n? int? ??v?r?l br?n?h?? n?rth ?f ?r???nt-d?? C?ir?. B?tw??n th? fl??d?l?in ?nd th? hills i? a variable b?nd of a l?w d???rt th?t supported a ??rt?in ?m?unt ?f g?m?.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
- Th? old Kingd?m, ?nd New Kingd?m
- Culture
- Milit?r?
- M?di?in? & Mathematics
- Race & Religion
Much,much more!