Prepper's Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Prepper's Handbook for Long-Term Survival and Self-Sufficient Living (Unabridged) Prepper's Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Prepper's Handbook for Long-Term Survival and Self-Sufficient Living (Unabridged)

Prepper's Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Prepper's Handbook for Long-Term Survival and Self-Sufficient Living (Unabridged‪)‬

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Prepper's Survival Handbook: The Ultimate Prepper's Handbook for Long-Term Survival and Self-Sufficient Living

Would you be able to survive for any length of time without modern amenities? If so, how would you do it? What tools and skills are required and how do you put it all together into a working survival plan? From Hollywood dramatizations to real-life catastrophes that seem to occur on a daily basis, there is no shortage of potential emergencies that could leave society in shambles. Maybe it's a blizzard that shuts down roads, supply routes and electricity for a week. Or maybe zombies really do take over the world - leaving a select few humans to rebuild society without modern amenities (just kidding - well, then again...).

Whether or not you believe that "World War Z" could happen isn't the point of this book. Rather, I want to make sure you are prepared for any potential threat should it occur. Terrorist attacks, Ebola outbreaks and economic collapse are also possibilities. Or what about nuclear war, epidemic disease, flooding, earthquakes, wild fires, etc? Are you scared yet? You should be. I want you to realize that there is a seemingly endless list of potential catastrophes and any one of them could leave you without the essential supplies and knowledge required to survive. Well...that was until you hear this book. I'm going to teach you everything you need to know from selecting appropriate survival gear to must-have survival skills applicable in a variety of situations.

Survival isn't about taking shelter for a few days and hoping for the best - it's about creating sustainable solutions that allow you to thrive in any situation. Also, you'll discover.. The best ways to store food for long periods of time The ultimate bug-out bag checklist 12 item worth more than gold in a survival situation And much more!

Joe Hempel
Std. Min.
22. November
Happier Outdoors Publishing
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