An English alphabet, for the use of foreigners: wherein the pronunciation of the vowels, or voice-letters, is explained in twelve short general rules, with their several exceptions, as abridged (for the instruction of Omai) from a larger work.
A short treatise on the English tongue: Being an attempt to render the reading and pronunciation of the same more easy to foreigners.
An essay on slavery: proving from Scripture its inconsistency with humanity and religion; in answer to a late publication, entitled, "The African trade for Negro slaves shewn to be consistent with principles of humanity, and with the laws of revealed rel
Remarks on the uses of the definitive article in the Greek text of the New Testament: containing many new proofs of the divinity of Christ, from passages, which are wrongly translated in the common English version. By Granville Sharp, ...
The law of retribution: or, a serious warning to Great Britain and her colonies, founded on unquestionable examples of God's temporal vengeance against tyrants, slave-holders, and oppressors. ... By Granville Sharp.
An account of the ancient division of the English nation into hundreds and tithings: the happy effects of that excellent institution; ...Intended as an appendix to several tracts on national defence, &c. By Granville Sharp.