Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society

Aaron Smith und andere
Reihe • 135 Bücher • Sport und Freizeit
Athlete Activism Athlete Activism
Rory Magrath
Sport, Medicine and Health Sport, Medicine and Health
Dominic Malcolm
The Global Horseracing Industry The Global Horseracing Industry
Phil McManus, Glenn Albrecht & Raewyn Graham
Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sport for Development and Peace Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sport for Development and Peace
Mitchell McSweeney, Per Svensson, Lyndsay Hayhurst & Parissa Safai
Lifestyle Sports and Identities Lifestyle Sports and Identities
Tyler Dupont & Becky Beal
Social Capital and Sport Organisations Social Capital and Sport Organisations
Richard Tacon
Community Sport and Social Inclusion Community Sport and Social Inclusion
Marc Theeboom, Hebe Schaillée, Rudi Roose, Sara Willems, Lieve Bradt & Emelien Lauwerier
Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe Sport, Identity and Inclusion in Europe
Ilse Hartmann-Tews
Indigenous Sport and Nation-Building Indigenous Sport and Nation-Building
Eivind Å. Skille
Training the Body Training the Body
David Torevell, Clive Palmer & Paul Rowan