The Amazing Journey of Reason
Mario Alemi
Manifold Learning
David Ryckelynck, Fabien Casenave & Nissrine Akkari
A Primer on Quantum Computing
Franklin de Lima Marquezino, Renato Portugal & Carlile Lavor
Parallel Scientific Computing
Roman Trobec & Gregor Kosec
Agile Risk Management
Alan Moran
Distributed Hash Table
Hao Zhang, Yonggang Wen, Haiyong Xie & Nenghai Yu
Explaining Algorithms Using Metaphors
Michal Forišek & Monika Steinová
Efficient Algorithms for Discrete Wavelet Transform
K. K. Shukla & Arvind K. Tiwari
Advances, Applications and the Future of Haptic Technology
Mohammad Amin Kuhail, Jose Berengueres, Fatma Taher & Mariam Al Kuwaiti
Multi-spectral and Intelligent Sensing
Liting Wang, Xiaoming Tao, Lu Sun & Wentao Shen