Time of Legends

Graham McNeill und andere
Reihe • 13 Bücher • Fantasy
Empire Empire
Graham McNeill
Aenarion Aenarion
Gav Thorpe
Curse of the Phoenix Crown Curse of the Phoenix Crown
C L Werner
Age of Legend Age of Legend
Gav Thorpe, C.L. Werner, Josh Reynolds, Andy Hoare, Ben Counter, Phillip Athans, Paul S. Kemp, Sarah Cawkwell, Nick Kyme & Christian Dunn
The Ninth Book The Ninth Book
Gav Thorpe
The Second Sun The Second Sun
Ben Counter
The City is Theirs The City is Theirs
Phillip Athans
Plague Doktor Plague Doktor
C L Werner
The Gods Demand The Gods Demand
Josh Reynolds
City of Dead Jewels City of Dead Jewels
Nick Kyme