A Review on the Celiac Trunk Compression Syndrome: Some Anatomic Clinical-Surgical Aspects/ Una Revision Del Sindrome de Compresion Del Tronco Celiaco: Algunos Aspectos Anatomicos Clinicos-Quirurgicos A Review on the Celiac Trunk Compression Syndrome: Some Anatomic Clinical-Surgical Aspects/ Una Revision Del Sindrome de Compresion Del Tronco Celiaco: Algunos Aspectos Anatomicos Clinicos-Quirurgicos

A Review on the Celiac Trunk Compression Syndrome: Some Anatomic Clinical-Surgical Aspects/ Una Revision Del Sindrome de Compresion Del Tronco Celiaco: Algunos Aspectos Anatomicos Clinicos-Quirurgicos

International Journal of Morphology 2008, June, 26, 2

    • 2,99 €
    • 2,99 €

Beschreibung des Verlags

Clinical radiologic study of the correlation between abdominal symptoms with celiac trunk compression by diaphragm crura, introduced a new nosological entity into the abdominal vascular pathology field--the celiac trunk compression syndrome (Dunbar et al., 1965). Since then, several cases have been reported with this syndrome (Debray & Leymarios, 1968; Fadhli, 1968; Harjola, 1968; Edwards, 1969; Hivet & Lagadec, 1970; Stanley & Fry, 1971; Joubaud et al., 1977). Several terms have been proposed for its designation, as compression of the celiac trunk (Dunbar et al.; Terpstra, 1966), celiac trunk syndrome (Harjola & Lahtiharju, 1968), celiac compression syndrome (Marable et al., 1968), median arcuate ligament syndrome (Carey et al., 1969), compression of the celiac trunk by arcuate ligament of the diaphragm (Hivet & Lagadec), aortic channel syndrome of the diaphragm (Bobbio, 1968).

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