Academic Scientists at Work Academic Scientists at Work

Academic Scientists at Work

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    • 36,99 €

Publisher Description

Academic Scientists at Work, 2nd Edition
Jeremy M. Boss & Susan H. Eckert
Academic Scientists at Work guides the scientist on the journey from the end of a postdoctoral career to the point of promotion to Associate Professor.
This book focuses on the three aspects of promotion in an academic setting: Scholarship, Teaching, and Service. Valuable advice is provided on the following topics:
Choosing and landing your ideal academic job
Setting up and effectively managing the lab
Obtaining funds
Organizing, writing, and publishing your science
Teaching and mentoring
Organizing and performing academic service
The promotion and tenure process
Templates and worksheets designed to help you navigate your career with point-by-point instructions on how to complete them are provided.
In addition to updating the contents of the previous version, this second edition includes a dozen articles written by the authors on managing your career that first appeared in Science's Next Wave.
Academic Scientists at Work is a valuable resource for the career scientist who demands and expects the best.
Jeremy M. Boss’s career spans scholarship, teaching, and service. Dr. Boss is an author of more than 85 published research articles and a recipient of federal research grants for 18 years. Dr. Boss has taught in a variety of immunology and genetics related graduate school courses, served on over 70 Ph.D. thesis committees, and is the current Director of Emory University's graduate program in Genetics and Molecular Biology. Dr. Boss joined the faculty of Emory University School of Medicine, Department of Microbiology & Immunology in 1986, where he has been a Professor since 1997.
Susan H. Eckert is a university health sciences administrator and faculty advocate. The focus of Dr. Eckert’s doctoral research and continuing interest is leadership issues that affect faculty development in research intensive universities. Dr. Eckert is Associate Dean for Administration at the Emory University School of Nursing. She received her Ph.D. in higher education policy in 1995 from Georgia State University.

Professional & Technical
16 October
Springer US
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