An Inside Job: A Frank Recollection of 48th Ward Happenings
- 4,99 €
- 4,99 €
Beschreibung des Verlags
Share the perspective of neighborhood happenings from the inside of city government when Marion Volini served as 48th ward Alderman. Find out why important decisions affecting community events were made the way they were. Uncover details about City Council actions, Housing Court procedures, local development issues, city service delivery, and political doings. Hear stories involving the Mayor, other Aldermen, political party officials, and neighborhood leaders. See how gender and religion influenced people's attitudes and observe behind-the-scenes actions that were known only to those on the inside.
Steps on the Path to Enlightenment
Steps on the Path to Enlightenment
Steps on the Path to Enlightenment
200 Practical Decisions for Membership Organizations
Walking Devon and Other Childhood Memories
Chicago Political Stories: Devious, Comical, and Just Plain Memorable