Born on Monday: Moon Is Your Ruling Planet Born on Monday: Moon Is Your Ruling Planet

Born on Monday: Moon Is Your Ruling Planet

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Beschreibung des Verlags

Born under the Moon's influence, you are highly empathic, nurturing, and like the Moon herself, a reflector of light.  MOON beckons you to look a little deeper into your subconscious so that you can become fully aware of your lunar being, and be at home and stable within yourself, manifesting your own dreams, imagination and earthly rhythms.  

THE MOON represents the Sacred Feminine, the Great Mother, and Intuition, Insight, Imagination, and Instinct.
Just like the MOON, ebb and flow inspire you; you are rhythm, lyrics and poetry, which move you on a cellular level.  The MOON is more than just your ruling planet; it represents your intuition, your flow, your quest for what you truly love, beyond all rationality, so that you can feel at home - the best feeling there is for a Moon.

Have you ever asked yourself "What's my archetype?"; this book reveals MOON'S influence over the characteristics that form what we call the archetype.  The Moon calls you to be aware of Lunar opportunities that will undoubtedly present themselves, and to act on them, for they are designed to support your spiritual journey.  This book will help you understand your Lunar self so that you recognize those opportunities

This reading offers insights into your Lunar qualities, gifts, potential and challenges. Through the planetary archetype that marked you on the day you took your first breath, this Reading reveals insights into your psychology, wisdom, challenges and potential. 

The book takes you on a healing journey.  It offers a list of Moon herbs, foods, and flower essences which you can easily incorporate into your daily life, to enrich and support your Lunar qualities. The dedicated Chakra section of this guide also features the Moon's planetary timing, the most auspicious times for healing and transformational work, as well as Chakra gemstones and healing essential oils that align with the Moon. Finally, a Chakra meditation and a reflective exercise await you to empower your 'Lunar' journey.

If you are seeking to embrace your own spirituality, figure out who you really are, and live a joyful, fulfilling life, this book is for you. Through the planetary archetype that marked you on the day you took your first breath, this reading reveals insights into your psychology, wisdom, challenges and potential.

Your life here this time around is illuminated by the influence of the MOON.  Enjoy it.

Gesundheit, Körper und Geist
24. September
Howla Jardali
Draft2Digital, LLC
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