Cataract And Small Pupil Management Manual Techniques
- 9,49 €
- 9,49 €
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Small Pupils can be defined as cases with less than 6 mm pupillary dilation termed as small pupils or non-dilating pupils. The main causes of the small pupil include psuedo exfoliation syndrome, floppy iris syndrome, white cataracts, previous uveitis, and long-term use of the miotic drops
In this book, we are going to discuss various manual techniques of small pupil management. The details of the cases are as follows:
Case1: Nuclear cataract grade 4 with small pupil
Case 2: Nuclear cataract grade 4 with floppy iris with small pupil
Case 3: Morgagnian cataract with a calcified capsule with weak zonules with small pupil
Case 4: Post uveitis Complicated cataract with rigid small pupil
Case 5: Post trabeculectomy Complicated cataract with rigid small pupil
Case 6: Complicated cataract with 1 mm small pupil