Child's Bible History Child's Bible History

Child's Bible History

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This classic is organized as follows:

Part I. History of the Old Testament

1. The Creation of the World

2. The Creation and the Fall of the Angels

3. The Creation of the First Man—Paradise

4. The Fall of Our First Parents

6. Cain and Abel

7. The Building of the Ark

8. The Deluge

9. Noe’s Offering—The Rainbow

10. The Call of Abraham

11. The Sacrifice of Abraham

12. Joseph Is Hated by His Brothers

13. Joseph Is Sold by His Brothers

14. Joseph in the House of Putiphar

15. Joseph in Prison

16. The Exaltation of Joseph

17. The Sons of Jacob Go to Egypt

18. Benjamin’s Journey to Egypt

19. The Silver Cup of Joseph—He Makes Himself Known to His Brothers

20. Jacob’s Journey to Egypt

21. The Birth of Moses

22. The Flight of Moses—The Burning Bush

23. The Ten Plagues of Egypt

24. The Paschal Lamb

25. The Passage of the Red Sea

26. The Miracles Wrought in the Desert

27. The Ten Commandments

28. The Israelites in the Promised Land—The Heathen Nations

Part II. History of the New Testament

1. The Birth of John the Baptist Is Announced

2. The Angel Gabriel Announces the Birth of Christ

3. Mary Visits Her Cousin Elizabeth

4. The Birth of Jesus Christ

6. The Adoration of the Three Wise Men from the East

7. Jesus Is Presented in the Temple

8. The Flight into Egypt

9. The Child Jesus Remains Three Days in the Temple

10. John the Baptist, Precursor of Jesus, Preaches and Baptizes

11. Jesus Is Baptized by John

12. Jesus Works His First Miracle at a Wedding in Cana

13. Jesus Teaches the People, and Heals the Sick

14. Jesus Raises from the Dead the Son of the Widow of Naim

15. Jesus Stills the Tempest

16. Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand with Five Loaves

17. Jesus Teaches His Disciples to Pray

18. Jesus Tells the Parable of Dives and Lazarus

19. Jesus Blesses the Children

20. Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

21. Jesus Gives the Commandment of Love

22. Jesus Describes the Last Judgment

23. Jesus Institutes the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar

24. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden

25. Jesus Is Seized

26. Jesus Is Sentenced to Death by the Council

27. Jesus Is Scourged

28. Jesus Is Crowned With Thorns

29. Jesus Is Shown to the People and Condemned to Death

30. Jesus Carries His Heavy Cross

31. Jesus Is Crucified

32. Jesus Speaks His Last Seven Words and Dies

33. Jesus Is Pierced with a Spear and Laid in the Sepulcher

34. Jesus Rises from the Dead

35. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

36. Jesus Bestows on Peter the Supreme Pastorship

37. The Ascension of Jesus Christ

38. Descent of the Holy Ghost

39. The Church of Christ Begins to Spread All over the Earth

Religion und Spiritualität
16. Oktober
Ravenio Books