Competence Development to Public Health Nurses and Child Health Nurses in Primary Health Care in Southern Sweden/Kompetensutveckling for Distriktsskoterskor Och Barn-Sjukskoterskor I Primarvarden (Nursing Development/Utvikling I Sykepleien) Competence Development to Public Health Nurses and Child Health Nurses in Primary Health Care in Southern Sweden/Kompetensutveckling for Distriktsskoterskor Och Barn-Sjukskoterskor I Primarvarden (Nursing Development/Utvikling I Sykepleien)

Competence Development to Public Health Nurses and Child Health Nurses in Primary Health Care in Southern Sweden/Kompetensutveckling for Distriktsskoterskor Och Barn-Sjukskoterskor I Primarvarden (Nursing Development/Utvikling I Sykepleien‪)‬

Nursing Science & Research in the Nordic Countries 2007, Autumn, 27, 3

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ABSTRACT With changing demands, the need of clinical competence development for district nurses' and child health care nurses' must keep pace. The aim of this study was to develop a model to clarify the nurses' function and their academic and experience based knowledge and to show the development and career possibilities. Steering documents and other literature concerning competence were reviewed by a network of nurses. The material was amalgamated and resulted in a model for competence development. This is described in four levels from Basic Competence to Research Competence. The model can be seen as working material for personal and professional development and for initiating change. Competence development should be kept stimulated during the nurses' whole career. Finally both patients and units will benefit from competence development.

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22 September
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