Edison Cylinder Phonograph Companion
- 18,99 €
- 18,99 €
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The Edison Cylinder Phonograph Companion originally appeared in several print editions, and has become one of the most used references for the phonograph enthusiast and collector. This new digital edition expands upon the last print edition with the addition of new color photos for many models of the Phonograph.
The book is organized by phonograph model from the first Tinfoil Phonograph of 1877, to the last Amberola phonograph models. Additional chapters describe and illustrate uncommon models such as the Premium model, the Phonograph Doll, and various coin operated Phonographs. Accessories such as horn, reproducers and recorders are described in detail.
The author, the late George L. Frow, spent decades researching the business activities and products of Thomas Edison’s Phonograph empire, and he shares his finding here as no other author could have done.