Effets Economiques Du Pole Universitaire de Sherbrooke, 2003-2004/the Economic Effects of the Sherbrooke University Pole, 2003-2004. Effets Economiques Du Pole Universitaire de Sherbrooke, 2003-2004/the Economic Effects of the Sherbrooke University Pole, 2003-2004.

Effets Economiques Du Pole Universitaire de Sherbrooke, 2003-2004/the Economic Effects of the Sherbrooke University Pole, 2003-2004‪.‬

Canadian Journal of Regional Science 2008, Spring, 31, 1

    • 2,99 €
    • 2,99 €

Beschreibung des Verlags

"The Economic Effects of the Sherbrooke University Pole, 2003-2004". The Sherbrooke University Pole draws together nine institutions of higher learning, university hospitals and research institutes. The extent and the quality of their services attract the majority of their students, many patients and important research funding from outside the region. The annual expenditures of the SUP surpassed one billion dollars in 2003/2004, of which about 64% was spent in Sherbrooke, 8% in the surrounding region of the Eastern Townships, and the rest in Quebec, Canada and abroad. In this study, we estimate the economic contribution of the SUP to Quebec, Canada and the metropolitan region of Sherbrooke. The economic impact of SUP's expenditures is estimated in three different ways. The first simulates in an input-output model the value added generated in Quebec and Canada by expenditures of member-institutions, their employees and students. The next two estimate the economic impact of those expenditures on the economy of Sherbrooke. The first of the two (2a) evaluates the effect on the local economy of expenditures of member-institutions, their employees and students as observed in 2003/2004. More than half of the students of the three colleges and two universities are attracted to Sherbrooke from the rest of Quebec, Canada and abroad. Similarly, many patients treated in the university hospitals and medical centres come from outside the region to receive specialized treatment. Research funding is obtained in competitive bidding from sources almost exclusively outside the region. In order to find the economic impact of those activities that provide services outside the region, we compare the existing level of services with a hypothetical situation in which the level and scope of educational and health services and research activities would be required to satisfy the needs of the regional population only. Thus, the second estimation (2b) simulates this hypothetical situation in which the post-secondary education facilities, hospitals and medical and research centres would provide services only to the population of the surrounding region. The comparison of the two scenarios gives an idea of the importance of the economic base constituted by knowledge services exported outside the region. Estimation of the multiplier effect by the "Minimum Requirements Approach" evaluates the contribution of SUP to the economy of Sherbrooke both in terms of additional revenue and employment.

22. März
Canadian Journal of Regional Science

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