Gift from a Fat Fairy Gift from a Fat Fairy

Gift from a Fat Fairy

    • 3,49 €
    • 3,49 €

Beschreibung des Verlags

Result! Deer found shot dead in the hospital car park, along with his sidekick Pete the Sleaze. Don't have to worry about them anymore… except my fingerprints are all over Deer's house.

Still good news, though. However, that don't mean I can give up looking for my little brother. Homeless kids have been disappearing from the streets, and the police aren't doing a thing about it. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think that situation and Josh going missing are connected. I think Dad sold Josh because he owes money to Charlie Farthin. Now Dad and Rosie have legged it. Obviously, he didn't get enough.

First time I met Gilbert, he's Charlie's number one thug, he tortured me, trying to find out where Dad had gone. When he realised I didn't know, he gave me a hundred quid and told me I could meet Mister Farthin. Said Mister Farthin would be a good friend to have. I'm not so sure.

Anyway, I don't want to bore you. If you want to know what happens, you'll have to buy the book.

Gift from a Fat Fairy - A New Adult Thriller: Jacob Manners is a fifteen-year-old juvenile delinquent, a hooligan. The education system has failed him, and his father and stepmother are abusers. His peers are the Castle Gang, a group of kids with similar outlooks. He reaches a crossroads when he and his eleven-year-old brother ridicule a local gay man. (Michael Deer, someone not to be messed with, says Mo. Never let him corner you.) Jacob is cornered! Then his brother disappears. Fear of getting a reputation for being gay stops him from reporting the assault, and he sets out alone to find Josh.

There is no getting away from the fact that Jake isn't the brightest kid on the block, and he isn't as streetwise as he'd like to think. As he gets deeper into his search, he gets a glimpse of his future. Unless he changes direction, this is the life awaiting him. He also meets new characters, discovers a world outside his circle, and begins questioning his way of life. His perspective of the world as he sees it is funny, sad, and often ridiculous. His descriptions of his peers and others he meets are simply outrageous, but he doesn't know who to trust, and invariably, he trusts the wrong people.

Jake Arnott is a similar writer.


Almost 30,000 young people are facing homelessness this year.

Gift from a Fat Fairy is set among these struggling individuals, who have feelings, hopes, and dreams, just like you and me. Quite often, they just need a 'leg up'. With this in mind, a portion of the royalties from sales of Gift from a Fat Fairy will go towards supporting this kind charity, Centrepoint.

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