How to buy and invest in physical gold and silver bullion How to buy and invest in physical gold and silver bullion

How to buy and invest in physical gold and silver bullion

Protecting yourself from the hyper-inflationary depression

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Beschreibung des Verlags

Are you prepared for the coming hyperinflation?

The United States is committed to money printing to solve America’s economic woes. To the extent that the US dollar is the world reserve currency, it will affect the rest of the world.

As Marc Faber, editor of the Gloom, Boom, Doom report said,

"Had I been the professor who had judged his thesis for his PhD, I would not have let him pass. I would have told him actually, ‘Mr. Bernanke, I have one condition in which I let you pass, and this is you never join a central bank, because you are a destroyer of money as store-of-value function, of the function of money being a unit of account. And I tell you Mr Bernanke with his monetary policy, he will destroy the US dollar."

How is that possible?

Since 1971, when President Nixon broke the final link between gold and the US dollar, the global monetary system is running on a completely fiat basis for the very first time in human history. Hence, the integrity of ‘money’ is as good as the integrity of governments, central banks and the financial system (the Global Financial Crisis showed how much integrity they have). Today, ‘money’ is an abstract intangible that can be created out of thin air.

In this book, you will:

- Understand why the future of financial assets and fiat money are doomed as the US government is facing bankruptcy and why you should invest in physical gold and silver bullion to hedge yourself against that

- Pitfalls and strategies on investing in physical gold and silver

- Learn how to store your gold and silver safely

- Know the types of physical gold and silver and understand which ones to invest

- Tell the difference between the reals and the fakes

- Understand why silver can be a better investment than gold

- Discover a tax trick used by the rich

You are either a contrarian or a victim. Be on the winning side!

Business und Finanzen
2. Oktober
Contrarian Investors' Journal
Terence Kam

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