How To Find True Love in Seven Easy Steps How To Find True Love in Seven Easy Steps

How To Find True Love in Seven Easy Steps

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The material you will find within these pages will provide you with a step by step guide on how to find your True Love, and more importantly, how to determine if that person is right for you. We will help you to take the guesswork out of knowing and prepare you for being a right fit for the person you desire. The goal is not meant to provide you with techniques on how to manipulate, cajole and otherwise coerce someone to love you. Herein, you will receive solid principles that are sincere and will help you to find and attract a fruitful and long lasting relationship.
This seven-step principle will show you exactly how to find your ideal True Love and how to make a sound assessment of their character and values. When you put to work the principles, you will be prepared for that fateful day when love knocks on your door.
Before you begin your quest to find that certain someone, your true love, first we need to take the time to define: (a) what does true love mean to you? (b)What would be your expectations of a True love? (c) How will you recognize true love when it comes? The questions are important starting points; please take a moment to answer these three questions.
True love can so easily slip through our fingers because we do not know what would make us happy. Then there are times when love arrives, but we foolishly sabotage the grandness of the gift, because, we perceive that it does not meet our expectations? Similarly, the gift arrives, and we are not mature enough to deal with the demands it makes on us, or the commitment it requires.
Looking back on my brush with love, I have to wonder if true love was denied because the person did not have the right family background, education, was not the desired religion, was not the preferred ethnicity or race, or was too tall, too fat, or too short. We can all name a plethora of reasons for why we threw love away. Why do we place so many brackets around the qualities that qualify someone as our lover? Society dictates what you can and cannot have by establishing these social boundaries to deny the intended person, joy, and harmony that God means for us to have. If a woman has to stoop to kiss her short lover, is she compelled to overcome social norms, is not love enough. A man standing in line at the grocery store holds his gallant soldier who lost her arm in the Iraq war. Is she any less deserving of his love? Is our pride or ego greater than love? Remember, when you stand at the altar to seal your vows, there is never a question about height, weight, color, background, family or wealth. The person who ministers will seal the two of you with a blessing not a judgment.
Unlike any other time during my life, I had to confront self with candor and honesty, and it was hard. The average person cannot look at herself or himself in the mirror for more than five minutes without crying - try it. Was the true love I yearned for a fantasy, a trophy or a lifelong ambition? Moreover, was I willing to commit to this new desire having been married before? Did I want another commitment? So, I evaluated how I had committed myself to other aspects of my life. For me, this was a momentous step, and I invite you to ponder these points before you begin your journey towards finding true love. We have all heard that familiar saying, "Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. So now, ARE YOU PREPARED TOR TRUE LOVE?
This is not an easy journey, you may have some near misses, so write out your answers on your note pad, and before we are finished, you will be singing the ballads of love to your own dedicated melody.

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