Moreshet - The Journal for the Study Journal of the Holocaust and Antisemitism
Volume 8
Beschreibung des Verlags
MORESHET, The Journal for the Study of the Holocaust and Antisemitism is published
annually through the cooperative efforts of The Mordechai Anielevich Memorial, Holocaust
Study and Research Center, in conjunction with the Stephen Roth Institute for the Study
of Antisemitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University. This edition of MORESHET, Winter
2010, includes the following scholarly articles on the Holocaust and Holocaust memory; The
Church and the Holocaust, as well as reviews of Books and Journals.
Nicole Fox, “Their history is part of me”: Third Generation American Jews and
Intergenerational Transmission of Memory, Trauma and History
Tal Litvak-Hirsch and Alon Lazar, Between Past and Future: Memory of the Holocaust
as a Collective Cultural Trauma and its Commemoration by the Third Generation In Israel
Heini Bornstein, Looking Back to the Past –Dialogues in Germany, 2008
Robert Rockaway, Trapped in Vichy France: A Viennese Jew in Vichy France, 1940-1942
Pierbattista Pizzebella The Churches and the Shoah
Dina Porat, Tears, Protocols and Actions in a Wartime Triangle: Pius XII, Roncalli and
Alberto Melloni, Jewish Children in France: Observations on a Test Case for History from
the Eye of a Media Storm
Emunah Nachmany Gafny, The Attitude of the Church to Jewish Children Living in
Christian Homes during and after World War II
Gilad Margalit, The Guilt Debate in the German Protestant Church after 1945
Dina Porat, Similarities and Differences in the Perceptions of Holocaust Scholars Israel
Gutman and Yehuda Bauer; based on Yehuda Bauer’s, Rethinking the Holocaust (Jerusalem:
Yad Vashem and the Ben-Gurion Institute, 2008), 300 pp. [Hebrew] and Israel Gutman,
Issues in Holocaust Studies: Research and Reassessment (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem and the Zalman Shazar Center, 2008), 350 pp. [Hebrew]
Nachum Bogner, Cipora Hurwitz, Forbidden Strawberries, translated from the Hebrew by
Geremy Forman, (New York: MultiEducator, 2010), 244 pp.
Avraham Barkai, The New Antisemitism & Islamic Fundamentalism. Based on Walter
Laqueur, The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism from Ancient Times to the Present Day (New York: Oxford University Press 2006), 228 pp.; and Idem, Best of Times, Worst of Times: Memoirs of a Political Education (Waltham Mass.:Brandeis University Press, 2009), 238 pp.