Out In The Midday Sun
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- 14,99 €
Beschreibung des Verlags
Elspeth Huxley captivated readers throughout the world with her 'memories of an African childhood' in THE FLAME TREES OF THIKA and THE MOTTLED LIZARD. In this final volume of her trilogy she tells the story of her adult life in Africa, in which the vigorously evoked personalities - from the pioneer Lord Delamere and Baroness Blixen to Jomo Kenyatta - blend with her supurb description of the social, cultural and political upheavals of the time. 'An accomplished story-teller, she weaves anecdotes, character sketches, political history together without losing her thread or the readers momentum. ' SUNDAY TIMES 'She evokes it all lovingly but astringently, especially the glittering, often scandelous life of the young aristocrats who lived in Happy Valley. ' DAILY EXPRESS
Sparked by the popularity of the screen version of Dinesen's Out of Africa, current interest in Kenya may extend to the reminiscences of Huxley, author of The Flame Trees of Thika and other books on East Africa. These recollections of people and places in colonial Kenya, between the start of war in 1933, when Huxley returned from England to write a biography of Lord Delamere, take in her acquaintance with Beryl Markham and with the flashily dressed Johnston (later Jomo) Kenyattawho, "in his loud checked trousers and a belted jacket, carried a walking stick with an amber-coloured stone at its tip'' and sat next to her at the London School of Economicsand culminate in the later experiences of her mother Nellie Grant and other characters familiar to viewers of the television series based on Huxley's earlier books. Photos.