Stephen Florida
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- 9,99 €
Beschreibung des Verlags
Gabe Habash erzählt eine Geschichte über das Alleinsein, die Besessenheit, das Ringen und den Wunsch, etwas Großes zu Schaffen. Sein Held Stephen Florida hat nicht sehr viel, er hat z.B. keine Eltern mehr. Aber er hat einen Sport, den er liebt, das Ringen. Eine letzte Saison noch liegt an seinem College in North Dakota vor ihm. Während Stephen sich müht, von Sieg zu Sieg zu eilen, gelingt ihm abseits der Matte gar nichts: Sein einziger Freund ist auf dem Sprung, seine Freundin eine Ablenkung, die er sich nicht erlauben kann. Als eine Verletzung ihn zu einer Winterpause zwingt, ringt er alleine mit sich und seinen Traumata.
PW reviews editor Habash's finely rendered, dark, and funny debut novel follows Steven Forster (known as Stephen Florida, due to an enduring clerical error) as he wrestles for Oregsburg College in Aiken, North Dakota. A senior, it's his last season to win the championship, a goal on which he's obsessively staked everything. But his turbulent friendship with a talented younger teammate, his budding romance with an aspiring gallery director, his lingering grief over his parents' death, a hostile coach, and a possibly homicidal professor all threaten to distract and derail him. He must also face his demons: a lack of direction, a deep intolerance for boredom, a reckless despair that verges into suicidal ideation, and a loneliness so vast it becomes a potent feature of the dramatic landscape. The student-athlete's world comes alive with crisp, unflinching prose: "Suicide sprints, jump rope, rope climbing, five times, arms only... I brush the vomit out of my teeth and get my backpack." Habash also balances his protagonist's most harrowing episodes and questionable behavior with genuine humor. There are riffs on everything from death to jazz to God to liberal arts degrees. A striking, original, and coarsely poetic portrayal of a young man's athletic and emotional quest.