The Influence of Kant on Christian Theology: A Debate About Human Dignity and Christian Personalism: A Response to Derek S. Jeffreys (Controversy) (Immanuel Kant) (Essay)
Journal of Markets & Morality 2004, Fall, 7, 2
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Beschreibung des Verlags
Introduction Christian theology is a synthesis of revelation and reason. It seeks to combine the revealed Word of God with knowledge derived from unassisted human reason, especially from philosophy and science. Since its inception two thousand years ago, Christian theology has gone through several distinct phases by allying itself with different schools of philosophy.
The Judeo-Christian Foundation of Human Dignity, Personal Liberty, And the Concept of the Person (Critical Essay)
Does Morality Hamper the Market Process? A Reappraisal of the Mises Thesis (Ludwig Von Mises) (Critical Essay)
Can Social Justice Be Achieved? from Aristotle to Friedrich Hayek: Bertrand De Jouvenel's Analysis of the Desirability and Possibility of a Just Social Order (Critical Essay)
The Social Nature of the Human Person in Economic Personalism (Essay)
Biblical Foundations of Business Ethics (Essay)
Contractarian Analysis, Ethics, And Emerging Economies (Essay)