The Judeo-Christian Foundation of Human Dignity, Personal Liberty, And the Concept of the Person (Critical Essay)
Journal of Markets & Morality 1998, Oct, 1, 2
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Beschreibung des Verlags
The Impact of Religion on Economics The great sociologist of economics Max Weber (1864-1920) demonstrated to the scholarly world that religious convictions alter economic systems. Against the Marxists, Weber showed that profound currents, stirring deeply in the human spirit, shake human beings from their bodily torpor in remarkably different ways, with notable effects upon economic systems. Although he is most famous for The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1904), Weber examined the interplay of religion and economics in many books on the history of various cultures. (1) Because of the abundance of literature available today on "the clash of civilizations" (2) and the real-world consequences of different formations of the human spirit through religion and culture, Max Weber's work may be more influential than ever.