The Mother of All Minds: Leaping Free of an Outdated Human Nature The Mother of All Minds: Leaping Free of an Outdated Human Nature

The Mother of All Minds: Leaping Free of an Outdated Human Nature

    • 9,49 €
    • 9,49 €

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In the midst of the explosive advances in information, change and complexity of our new 21st Century world, where does the human mind find itself? This highly original and resourceful new work offers this confident answer: busy at the cutting edge rewiring and rethinking itself.

In The Mother of All Minds, bestselling author Dudley Lynch, president of Brain Technologies Corporation, explains why this discovery is one of the most important ever for understanding "the human condition" and how all of us think, believe and act. And, when the need arises, how to think, believe and act differently.

Among the book's far-reaching observations and conclusions:

First, there's a storied but outmoded way of thinking that your mind needs to let go of. (The author calls this mind "Alpha.") And a powerful, revivifying new way of thinking for you to embrace and apply. (He calls this mind "Beta.")

Second, contrary to what many post-modern thinkers have believed, the way to experience this "mother of all personal breakthroughs" is not to quarantine but to embrace an outrageously healthy ego.

Third, the reason you need an outrageously healthy ego is because you need to wade into arenas and issues in today's world where the ego of many humane thinkers has traditionally been self-effacing.

Fourth, this outrageously healthy ego is a psychological choice that you need to make to (1) be able to recognize, (2) know how to clear a path for and (3) be ready to accommodate when this new mind arrives packing a life-and-career-altering wallop and an instantly expanded list of thinking skills, priorities and expectations.

Fifth, once you are equipped with this outrageously healthy ego, this will be your assignment: To think, act and believe audaciously! And strategically! And wiseheartedly!

Not every computer gets upgraded, of course. And not every mind will find itself propelled to the cutting edge. But in that amazing blaze of history since the middle of the last millennium's final century, more and more contemporary minds have made such a move in their own and the planet's best interest.

In The Mother of All Minds, the reader is introduced to:

* What Beta is and what it is not—and what is required to be a suitable candidate for developing this new powerful kind of mind.

* Dr. Clare W. Graves, the discoverer of Beta. Often called psychology's most original "interdisciplinary" explorer, he did so by finding a hole in Abraham Maslow's ceiling of self-actualization and documenting a new kind of mind out beyond it.

* How closely Dr. Graves' "biopsychosocial" model of how the mind has developed—and how it continues to develop—compares to Dr. Elizabeth Kübler-Ross's model of how the emotions of loss get processed.

* How, as a Beta thinker, you can be accurately described as a real-time, pragmatic, functional, wide-angled thinker (and one whose mind can be Teflon-like when it comes to handling people's emotions without being in reaction to them).

* The voluminous benefits of realizing that most persons' understanding of the world is not the same as your own and responding accordingly and appropriately.

* A defense of the view that nearly all the major thinking systems of the world today are sorely in need of rewiring and rethinking.

According to The Mother of All Minds, the basic developmental principle underlying the world is this: what doesn't change, isn't happening. What isn't happening, doesn't matter. What doesn't matter has a serious problem because it has no way to add value, especially in our rapid-change kind of times.

Are you a candidate for the new Beta mind? Are you almost already there? The Mother of All Minds will help you identify where you are on the mind's remarkable odyssey in search of the audacity, competence and flexibility it needs to help deal with the kind of future that is now...

Gesundheit, Körper und Geist
5. August
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