The Semantic Boss: There's an Online Dimension to Management That Simply can't be Wished Away. Euan Semple Puts the Case for the Full-Blooded Engagement with Web 2.0 That is Management 2.0 (Management) The Semantic Boss: There's an Online Dimension to Management That Simply can't be Wished Away. Euan Semple Puts the Case for the Full-Blooded Engagement with Web 2.0 That is Management 2.0 (Management)

The Semantic Boss: There's an Online Dimension to Management That Simply can't be Wished Away. Euan Semple Puts the Case for the Full-Blooded Engagement with Web 2.0 That is Management 2.0 (Management‪)‬

Information World Review 2009, Dec

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Imagine the following scenario. One of your staff takes it on himself to defend your organisation against criticism from a well-known public figure. He does so in a private email exchange with the critic. He then talks about his actions on an internal discussion forum within your organisation and in this thread he is critical of the celebrity. Someone copies and pastes this internal conversation to the web in a public space. The critic gets to see it and goes ballistic, making the whole business a very public affair. This story actually happened in my organisation. What would you do if it happened to you? Employees are leading increasingly online lives and the scenario I've just outlined is playing out all over the business world. A situation just like it, or even worse, will almost certainly happen to you in the near future. Would you know what to do? Would you be able to see it as the opportunity that it actually is?

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