The Single Market in Insurance
Breaking Down the Barriers
- 37,99 €
- 37,99 €
Beschreibung des Verlags
First published in 1998, this volume was formally completed in July 1994, but completing the structure of the market is not all the same thing as having a genuine Single Market. This book explores the difficulties inherent in the concept of the Single Market in Insurance, as well as the practical difficulties of implementation. It looks to the future of the Single Market as well as at the present.
It should be of interest to lawyers studying law or EC law, as well as to economists and political scientists interested in the development of Project Europe.
Competition and Trade Policies
Trade Law, Domestic Regulation And Development
Competition and Industrial Policy in the European Community
Integrating Financial Services Regulation
Emerging Standards of International Trade and Investment
Negotiating Techniques in International Commercial Contracts