The Sky's Legacy
- 11,99 €
- 11,99 €
Beschreibung des Verlags
It hadnt seen such a peaceful time in nearly five centuries, but peace wasnt always the best frame of mind for all of the creatures of the world. Doswarn, a man of shadows and lies had been lying in wait in the Shadowlands for decades waiting for a sign.
Rayne DeSouza loved her younger sister with all of her heart, or what she could claim to have of a heart. She was the darkest gypsy a man could have the misfortune of meeting. When Doswarn arrived with an offer she had been waiting her entire life to hear, how could she refuse?
Analysa DeSouza was as opposite from her sister as a girl could get. She was bright and fun-loving despite what her sister had raised her to believe, when the Shadowman arrived and whisked Rayne away into darkness Analysa was left with a terrible sense of foreboding and doom.
Can Analysa unravel the mysteries of their past before Doswarns evil plot is completed? Could she pull her sister out of the Darkness, or would she have to embrace her destiny with the help of her most loyal companions?