The Story of Stars , Book 1 ,A Mission for Alef The Story of Stars , Book 1 ,A Mission for Alef

The Story of Stars , Book 1 ,A Mission for Alef

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Another book about Star wars? Why not an interstellar romance? "The story of Stars" Book one, titled "A mission for Alef" is a story of how aliens in an imaginary planet, called the Brown planet,which is located in another world( another universe in the multiverse) and other dimension, dominated by antimatter , that can only be reached via two successive volatile wormholes created by massive black holes. One day aliens with three heads and non-symmetrical bodies accidentally receive some radio signals from earth and they learn about humans' existence on Earth . How the aliens arrive on earth through endless space with distance of billions of light years away? The aliens live in an exotic planet in the world of antimatter domination with physical differences to our world in a different dimension, so everything is to be considered by aliens before their journey to earth. They hold a meeting with top headquarters to decide what the future of earth and humans should be like.They don not know what languages humans speak and they do not know how to communicate with humans.they also want to keep their mission top secret, so no human should learn about it, but they also need to contact some people. All images are taken from Wikipedia but edited a bit to keep a harmony.The book describes space, galaxies, black holes and earth as viewed by aliens to expand your cosmological knowledge in a fictional view but matching almost every fact,through a descriptive voyage in space . They cross black hole event horizons, enter wormholes and pass solar systems. The solutions are imaginative though. What do our cultures, languages and cities look like from an alien perspective? How they want to change it? The aliens send two scientists to study the situation on earth, which is not their first mission, but the first mission had been millions of years ago, when humans were in their first evolutionary stages , looking like chimps, then the story goes through a beautiful romance between an Italian human girl living in the US ,called Silvia, and an alien boy ,named Alef, that is the first love between a human and an alien. It goes through a tragedy like Romeo and Juliet, then following detection of a corpse there is maybe a suspicious case of murder by aliens. The book describes in details what are astrophysical limitation of space travel for both humans and aliens, according to real physics, and how solve them, in fantastic unreal but plausible suggestions. Latest interdisciplinary approaches in cosmology, astrophysics and relativity are discussed in a simple comprehensible language, but it is not too detailed to be boring story. The romance ends with a death and police searching for a case. Who is the murderer? What do media think about it? the book is decorated by simple easy verses between paragraphs.

Book two:

This time humans learn about existence of aliens and their secret mission to earth. They decide to go to the extraterrestrial planet and explore it , and even change its culture. An expedition including two scientists , Peter and Bob ,a politician and a fake messenger are selected . It again involves a romance between two aliens, called Carma and Jinga, the first ever love on that planet, but love is banned by the prophet and his followers,so they need to tolerate lots of burden to continue their love. Their love story is different, because the nature and gender of the lovers, as a result of revision by evolution and genetics engineering had been modified and their true gender is not definite. The story also describes adventure of a space voyage, this time by humans. Oliver, a human, claims to be messenger by a fake God to control aliens, he slaughters alien scientists by the help of his alien followers, but two human scientists, Peter and Bob, decide to help aliens to get rid of him.They need to face an enemy robot, a tiger that would not belong to the brown planet.

Science-Fiction und Fantasy
19. November
Alireza Hemmati
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