Complete EMT Test Prep & Study Guide 2023: Ace the NREMT Test Quick and Easy! Most Up to Date NREMT Test Guide with All 50 State’s Certification Requirements (Unabridged)
- 139,00 kr
- 139,00 kr
Publisher Description
Advanced EMT test prep and study guide 2023 and beyond
Most up to date NREMT Test Guide with All 50 State’s Certification Requirements
So, you want to become an EMT? Are you looking for an easy-to-understand, complete study guide to help you pass the test but ace the test?
This comprehensive study guide includes everything you need to ace the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Test.
Our NREMT Study Guide works to eliminate test anxiety because our guide contains everything you will need to help you not only to pass the exam but ace it.
Practice test questions
An answer key with detailed explanations
Tips for test taking performance
A complete review of all EMT test sections
Also in our book, you will find also find the following:
An introduction to the test and field
What is on the test
FAQs for the NREMT
Test taking tips
Information on the Psychomotor Exam
State requirements for certification
Medical Obstetrics
EMS Operations
Two Full Practice tests
Two Answer keys with explanations
And much much more!
Our NREMT Study Guide boasts more than just your average guide.
Like the other traditional study guides, we have a run down of the theory, and we have several practice tests, with over 200 unique and relevant practice test questions and answers.
However, we have what many books don’t: State regulations to become certified as an emergency medical technician (EMT) for all 50 states.
We cover all 50 states’ requirements and steps to certification as an EMT.
Our study guide prides itself on going into detail about the topics that are on the test. This book has been thoroughly researched and contains only the information relevant to the test and the career of being an emergency medical technician (EMT).
This guide is not bogged down with terminology. Instead, its core focus, as you will see, is to provide you with full detailed information that will be the key to helping you pass your exam.
Concepts and principles aren’t simply named, but we spend time going into detail about them. We have laid out our study guide in a way that flows naturally and conveniently.
Our NREMT Study Guide prepares you for the test to become an emergency medical technician (EMT) and for what comes after the test in your newly acquired career!
Be prepared and buy our Comprehensive NREMT Study Guide today.
The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with this publishing company, and does not sponsor or endorse this product.