12 Blackened Petals 12 Blackened Petals

12 Blackened Petals

Publisher Description

A Breath Taking Thrill Ride That Starts A Brilliant Series Off With A Bang!!!
The world will never be the same. A young man named Sam Rittenhouse has begun his journey to become God. After making a blood bond with a magical flower, Sam suddenly finds himself with a vast amount of power and no way to control it. He is forced to unleash hell in an attempt to defend himself from the onslaught of the military as they try to subdue him. 
Sam realizes that the road to becoming a God is paved with blood and violence, as he learns to master his new abilities and contain Malice, the demon living inside him. No one is safe from this monster that takes over Sam's body and lays waste to the city, and its citizens. 
The Gospel of Sam: Book One is the first novel in the 12 Blackened Petals series chronicling the rise of Sam Rittenhouse, as he seeks to replace the God that has forsaken us for over a thousand years.

Q: What can I expect in this story?
A: This story is the beginning of a series. This series unfolds into a massive universe full incredible and powerful characters. In this first book, you will meet a young man destined to become God, an archangel, 2 demigods and a slew of other characters. There are moments that are heart-wrenching, some that are terrifying, moments that are funny, and some that are action packed.
Q: Is this a Sci-Fi, a Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, or Thriller?
A: Yes, yes, and yes. 12 Blackened Petals is full elements from so many genres. It has elements of Fantasy by utilizing mythical creatures, and more are introduced as the series expands. There are Urban elements as the story takes place in modern time. Thriller elements are present as you learn things with the character and there is always action around every corner.
Q: How many stories are there in this series?
A: I have dozens of stories that run alongside the main story line. 12 Blackened Petals follows Sam on a journey that will change the world. There are numerous other stories that accompany the main storyline and drive the overall story even further. This is a truly immersive experience

Sci-Fi & Fantasy
6 June
Brian M. Taylor