Dictionary of 4-Letter Words: Words You Should Know Dictionary of 4-Letter Words: Words You Should Know
no. 1 – Words by Number of Letters

Dictionary of 4-Letter Words: Words You Should Know

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    • 12,00 kr

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In this book, you will learn the meanings of useful 4-letter words. You will also find the names of the parts of speech they belong to. I have also given synonyms for most of these words. Sample this:

01 – abet [v.] -- to help or encourage or support sb to do sth wrong or illegal
02 – ably [adv.] -- skillfully, successfully and well: [synonym: competently]
03 – abut [v.] -- (of an area of land or a building) to be next to sth or to have a common boundary with the side of sth [synonym: adjoin]
04 -- ache [v.] -- (a). to feel continuous pain in a part of your body [synonym: hurt] | (b). to have a strong desire for sb/sth or to do sth | (d). to be very sad or distressed || (n.) a continuous feeling of pain in a part of your body
05 -- achy [adj.] -- affected by an uninterrupted pain that is small in degree
06 – acme [n.] -- the highest point or stage of development, achievement or the most excellent example of sth [synonyms: peak, summit, zenith]
07 – acne [n.] -- a skin condition that is characterized by many pimples on the face and neck
08 – acre [n.] -- a unit for measuring an area of land which is equal to 4840 square yards (4050 square meters)
09 – aged [adj.] -- (a). [not before noun] of the specified age | (b). very old; grown old [synonym: matured] || [n.] (the aged) very old people
10 – agog [adj.] -- [not before noun] showing extreme excitement, curiosity and interest to find out sth [synonym: eager]
11 – ahoy [excl.] -- a word used by people in boats to attract attention from a distance
12 – aide [n.] -- a person who helps or assists an important person, especially a politician or a leader, in their job [synonym: assistant]
13 – airy [adj.] -- (a). with plenty of fresh air because of being spacious and open to the air [synonyms: breezy; well-ventilated] | (b). high in the air | (d). of air [synonym: atmospheric] | (d). showing no worry about sth or not treating sth as serious | (e). not serious or practical
14 – ajar [adj.] -- [not before noun] (of a door or other opening) partly or slightly open: almost shut
15 – akin [adj.] -- (a). having some of the same essential qualities [synonym: similar] | (b). related by blood
16 – alas [exc.] -- used to show sadness, grief, regret or pity
17 – also [adv.] -- (not used with negative verbs) in addition; as well; [synonyms: furthermore, too]
18 – alum [n.] -- a chemical substance containing aluminum used to change the color of something
19 -- amid (prep.] -- (a). in the middle or course of something | (b). surrounded by sth.
20 – amok [adv.] -- without self-control
21 – anew [adv.] -- (a). again but in a new or different and more positive way | (b). once more [synonym: again]
22 – anon [adv.] -- soon or shortly
23 – ante [n.] -- a sum of money paid by a player in poker before receiving cards
24 – ante [v.] -- to put a sum of money in poker before receiving cards
25 – anti [prep.] -- opposed to; against || [adj.] – opposed || [n.] -- a person who opposes a particular activity, idea, or policy, etc.
26 – apex [n.] -- the top or highest part or point of sth: most important or successful part of something [synonyms: peak, summit]
27 – aqua [n.] -- (a). water | (b). a light bluish-green color [synonym: aquamarine]
28 – Arab [n.] -- (a). a person born or living in Arabia | (b). a horse of a breed from Arabia
29 – arms [n.] -- weapons, especially as used by the defense forces [synonym: weaponry]
30 – atom [n.] -- the smallest part of a chemical element that can exist [synonym: particle]
31 – atop [prep.] -- on the top of || [adv.] -- on the top
32 – aura [n.] -- the distinct and noticeable quality or feeling that seems to surround a person or place or come from somebody or something
33 – aver [v.] -- to state firmly that sth is certainly true [synonyms: assert, avow]

25. juli
Manik Joshi

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