Lord Peter Wimsey

Serie • 11 libros • Misterio y suspenso
Whose Body? Whose Body?
Libro 1
Dorothy L. Sayers
Clouds of Witness Clouds of Witness
Libro 2
Dorothy L. Sayers
Unnatural Death Unnatural Death
Libro 3
Dorothy L. Sayers
The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
Libro 4
Dorothy L. Sayers
Strong Poison Strong Poison
Libro 5
Dorothy L. Sayers
The Five Red Herrings The Five Red Herrings
Libro 6
Dorothy L. Sayers
Have His Carcase Have His Carcase
Libro 7
Dorothy L. Sayers
Murder Must Advertise Murder Must Advertise
Libro 8
Dorothy L. Sayers
The Nine Tailors The Nine Tailors
Libro 9
Dorothy L. Sayers
Gaudy Night Gaudy Night
Libro 10
Dorothy L. Sayers