Pandora's Box Opened Wide: UAVs Carrying Genetic Weapons - Biomimetics and Aerodynamic Forces, Flight Control, Nanotechnology, Payload Challenges, Sensing, Weapons Delivery, Response
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Descripción editorial
Professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, this unique book addresses the issue of using UAVs and drone aircraft, including micro UAVS or MAVs for the delivery of genetic bio weapons. This paper begins with a discussion of general technological themes and the law of unintended consequences...themes that are continually reinforced as specific enabling technologies are encountered throughout the essay. Subsequent sections build on this foundation by investigating several technology challenges specific to the hypothetical threat system, MAVs carrying genetic weapons. Sections two and three more specifically address technology challenges and enablers for the air vehicle and payloads. The paper concludes with a discussion of existing or potential responses and offers recommendations on technologies and information the U.S. should seek to ban, delay or control.