Dover Thrift Editions: Plays

W.S. Gilbert y otros
Serie • 110 libros • Teatro
Oedipus Rex Oedipus Rex
Prometheus Bound Prometheus Bound
Faust: Parts One and Two Faust: Parts One and Two
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Power of Darkness The Power of Darkness
León Tolstói
The Country Wife The Country Wife
William Wycherley
Elizabethan Comedies Elizabethan Comedies
Dover Publications, Inc.
Phèdre Phèdre
Jean Racine
Elizabethan Tragedies Elizabethan Tragedies
Dover Publications, Inc.
A Country Scandal (Platonov) A Country Scandal (Platonov)
Antón Chéjov
Pericles Pericles
William Shakespeare