20 Miles 2 Empty 20 Miles 2 Empty

20 Miles 2 Empty

Memories of a Killer

    • USD 3.99
    • USD 3.99

Descripción editorial

Kenny, a fifteen-year-old mommas boyhe and mom share a special bond. Having no male figure around, all he knows is his mothers love. One day his whole life changes, and he is forced to grow up faster than expected. Kenny is dealt a hand that most adults couldnt handle. With a chip on his shoulder, he is ready for the world. He befriends a city bus driver (Tom), and the two create a bond almost as strong as his bond with his motheror so he thought. Tom allows Kenny to sleep on the back of the bus all night every night. Months passed and Tom finally agrees to let Kenny move in with him. One evening while Tom is away, Kenny snoops through Toms things and stumbles into an old box that contained old notes and pictures. What he sees excites him: Tom is a serial killer. Instead of calling the police, Kenny did just the opposite. Kenny, who is very intrigued by this, begs Tom to teach him how to be a perfect killing machine. Tom eventually shows Kenny everything he knows and they team up on victims together. Seven years passed and Kenny is kind of bored with killing at this time. He needed something fresh, something that put the spark back into killing. He finds out that Tom, his mentor, killed his mother that afternoon while he was in school. Kenny decides to kill Tom but in the process has an accident that cost him months of his life. He is in a coma for six monthswhen he finally wakes up, he has completely lost his memory. Kenny, not knowing his evil past, becomes a detective and starts a family. Within no time, Kenny is a top cop. As a top cop, the mayor assigns a special case to him. This case has plagued the streets for over two decades. Kenny vows to catch his man. Determined to solve this case, Kenny slowly uncovers clues that lead him right to the killer, but what he finds may come back to haunt him.

Misterio y suspenso
11 de marzo