Journaling Fame - A Memoir of a Life Unhinged and on the Record Journaling Fame - A Memoir of a Life Unhinged and on the Record

Journaling Fame - A Memoir of a Life Unhinged and on the Record

    • USD 9.99
    • USD 9.99

Descripción editorial

Journaling Fame takes readers inside the turbulent mind and precocious soul of celebrity journalist, Allison Kugel, as she recalls the evolution and fall out from a near paralyzing anxiety disorder while navigating a decade interviewing some of Hollywood’s most famous (and infamous) names. Between numerous celebrity interactions and harrowing memories of youth and adolescents, she attempts to piece together the moments of her life that, both, built her career and fostered severe panic attacks that threatened to undo it all. Allison provides an ultimate insider’s guide into the celebrity journalism and publicity machines that the public doesn’t see, along with shared personal memories of high-profile Hollywood friendships. She pulls no punches when going into excruciating detail about her experiences with anxiety, panic attacks and obsessive compulsive disorder. Her memoir seamlessly weaves in and out of her professional triumphs and personal struggles with self-examination, humor and irony. 

For a decade, Allison Kugel was entrenched in the culture of celebrity, as an entertainment, pop culture and political journalist whose work was quoted and re-printed by hundreds of media outlets, worldwide. She is co-founder and co-creator of the Upitch App, the world's first mobile application matching press releases and story pitches with targeted journalists. She is a lifelong philanthropist for various animal and children’s  charities. Allison splits her time between Florida and New York with her hilarious son and a willful Shih Ztu.

Biografías y memorias
24 de marzo
Mill City Press
Hillcrest Publishing Group, Inc.