Life Without Rejection Life Without Rejection

Life Without Rejection

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Publisher Description

Have you spent your life suffering from rejection?


Do you know someone who fits this description?


Maybe you work with people under rejection, and you have tried everything--counseling, prayer and positive thinking methods--in a futile effort to help them see that life is not out to get them. You find yourself at a loss.


If rejection is a reality in your life, this book is for you. In addition, those who work with people under rejection, especially in a Christian setting, can use this book as a valuable resource, from prison ministry to substance abuse counseling, even in homeless shelters. This book is not for normal people. Not only do normal people not get it, but they find most of it boring, redundant and a little whiney, just as they have found all society’s rejected masses (among whom the author was once counted) for all too many years.


There’s no captive on earth who doesn’t know what rejection is. Your very life has oozed rejection. You’ve seen it on every face. You’ve tasted it from every tongue. Every laugh you’ve heard on the edge of a crowd--it was meant for you. You’ve met rejection where you expected it; you’ve encountered it where you least expected it. When you thought you were home, they pulled out the carpet. When you thought you’d found freedom, they threw you in jail. And as for true love--well, we all have stories we could tell.


Rejection is the voice that whispers in your ear, telling you that you are not good enough. All your life, this voice has twisted your perceptions to make you feel, on a conscious or an unconscious level, not only that you were rejected, but also that you deserved to be. Rejection is a key element in a spiritual battle. But here is the truth about rejection’s whispers: THEY ARE LIES! It’s not you.


Jesus came to give you freedom from rejection. Through these pages, your broken heart begins to beat again. Through a three step process of forgiveness, deliverance and healing, a person can be set free from rejection. For those who minister to the rejected, this book is a unique and valuable tool.

About the Author: Dr. Christine Miller-Serviss is a retired university professor and care pastor who now does substance abuse classes for a prison ministry outreach. She is available for speaking in your choice of venues on any of the topics in this book. Chris has a PhD from Regent University. She is currently employed by Meijers, Inc.

Health & Well-Being
2 May
Xulon Press

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